
public struct GoogleToken : ClientCredentials

A struct for providing a Google Oauth token as credentials to a KituraKit route. The struct is initialized with a token, which will be used to authenticate the user and generate their user profile. This client route mirrors a Kitura Codable route that implements TypeSafeGoogleToken authentication to verify a users identity.

Usage Example:

struct User: ExampleProfile {
   let id: String
   let name: String
   let email: String?

client.get("/googleProfile", credentials: GoogleToken(token: "exampleToken")) { (user: ExampleProfile?, error: RequestError?) -> Void in
   guard let user = user else {
       print("failed request: \(error)")
   print("Successfully authenticated and recieved \(user)")
  • The users Google Oauth token



    public let token: String
  • Create a Google Token credentials instance with the specified token data.



    public init(token: String)
  • Function to generate headers using a provided token Google token authentication. The X-token-type header is set to be GoogleToken and the access_token header is set as the provided token.



    public func getHeaders() -> [String : String]