
The following classes are available globally.

  • A TemplateEngine for Kitura that uses Stencil for templating.

    The file extension for templates using this engine is stencil. If the file extension of the template specified in the call to response.render matches, this template engine will be invoked. If no extension is specified, and this engine has been set as the default via router.setDefault(templateEngine:), the extension will be applied automatically.

    Usage Example:

       router.add(templateEngine: StencilTemplateEngine())
       // An example of using a dictionary of [String: Any] parameters to be rendered
       router.get("/hello") { request, response, next in
           try response.render("StencilExample.stencil", context: ["name": "World!"]])

    A second example, using type-safe templating. For more information, see:

       // A codable type containing structured data to be used in our template
       struct Friend: Codable {
           let firstName: String
           let lastName: String
       // Structured data that we wish to render
       let friends = [Friend(firstName: "Jack", lastName: "Sparrow"), Friend(firstName: "Captain", lastName: "America")]
       // An example of using type-safe templating to render data from a Swift type
       router.get("/friends") { request, response, next in
           try response.render("MyStencil.stencil", with: friends, forKey: "friends")
    See more



    public class StencilTemplateEngine: TemplateEngine