
The following classes are available globally.

  • KituraOpenAPI contains helper functions for the addition of endpoints to a Kitura Router for serving:

    • an OpenAPI definition of its routes and their associated data types,
    • the SwaggerUI tool, that allows exploration and testing of the API via a web browser.

    Usage Example:

    import Kitura
    import KituraOpenAPI
    let router = Router()
    KituraOpenAPI.addEndpoints(to: router)   // Register default endpoints

    The endpoints have default values defined by the defaultConfig property. You can customize the endpoints by supplying a KituraOpenAPIConfig:

    let config = KituraOpenAPIConfig(apiPath: "/swagger", swaggerUIPath: "/swagger/ui")
    KituraOpenAPI.addEndpoints(to: router, with: config)
    See more



    public class KituraOpenAPI