
public class FileKit

Resolves commonly used paths, including the project, executable and working directories.

Path to Executable Folder

  • The absolute path to the folder containing the project executable.

    For example, when running an executable called MySwiftProject within Xcode this would be “/Users/username/MySwiftProject/.build/debug”, when running the same project from the command line this would be “/Users/username/MySwiftProject/.build/x86_64-apple-macosx10.10/debug”.

    Usage Example:

    let urlString = FileKit.executableFolder



    public static let executableFolder: String
  • URL that points to the directory containing the project executable, or, if run from inside Xcode, the /.build/debug folder in the project’s root folder.

    For example when running an executable called MySwiftProject within Xcode this would be file:///Users/username/MySwiftProject/.build/debug/.

    Usage Example:

    let urlObject = FileKit.executableFolderURL



    public static let executableFolderURL: URL


  • URL that points to the executable.

    For example, when running an executable called MySwiftProject from the command line this would be:


    When running within Xcode it would be:


    Usage Example:

    let urlObject = FileKit.executableURL



    public static let executableURL: URL

Path to Project Folder

  • Absolute path to the directory containing the Package.swift of the project (as determined by traversing up the directory structure starting at the directory containing the executable), or if no Package.swift is found then the directory containing the executable.

    For example, when running an executable called MySwiftProject this would be something like: /Users/username/MySwiftProject.

    Usage Example:

    let urlString = FileKit.projectFolder



    public static let projectFolder: String
  • URL that points to the directory containing the Package.swift of the project (as determined by traversing up the directory structure starting at the directory containing the executable), or if no Package.swift is found then the directory containing the executable.

    For example, when running an executable called MySwiftProject this would be something like: file:///Users/username/MySwiftProject/.

    Usage Example:

    let urlObject = FileKit.projectFolderURL



    public static let projectFolderURL: URL

Path to Working Directory

  • Provides the standardized working directory accounting for environmental changes. When running in Xcode, this returns the directory containing the Package.swift of the project, while outside Xcode it returns the current working directory.

    Usage Example:

    let urlString = FileKit.workingDirectory



    public static let workingDirectory: String
  • URL that points to the standardized working directory accounting for environmental changes. When running in Xcode, this returns the directory containing the Package.swift of the project, while outside Xcode it returns the current working directory.

    Usage Example:

    let urlObject = FileKit.workingDirectoryURL



    public static let workingDirectoryURL: URL