
public protocol TypeSafeFacebook: TypeSafeCredentials

A protocol that defines common attributes of Facebook authentication methods.

It is not intended for a user’s type to conform to this protocol directly. Instead, your type should conform to a specific authentication type, such as TypeSafeFacebookToken.

  • The OAuth client id (‘AppID’) that tokens should correspond to. This value should be set to match the Facebook OAuth app that was used to issue the token. Tokens that do not match this value will be rejected. If you do not specify a value for appID, then the appID will not be verified and all tokens will be accepted, regardless of which app they are associated with.



    static var appID: String?
  • validFieldNames Default implementation

    A set of valid field names that can be requested from Facebook. A default set is implemented for you, however this property can be overridden to customize or extend the set.

    Default Implementation

    Defines the list of valid fields that can be requested from Facebook. Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/v3.0#reference-default_fields

    Note that this is for convenience and not an exhaustive list.



    static var validFieldNames: Set<String>
  • provider Extension method

    Provides a default provider name of Facebook.



    public var provider: String