
The following protocols are available globally.

  • A TypeSafeMiddleware protocol for using multiple authentication methods on a Codable route. An object conforming to this protocol must contain a static array of the acceptable TypeSafeCredentials types and be initializable from the authentication instance that succeeded. If an authentication fails or you reach the end of your array, an unauthorized response is sent.

    Usage Example:

    public final class AuthedUser: TypeSafeMultiCredentials {
       public let id: String
       public let provider: String
       public let name: String?
    } extension TypeSafeMultiCredentials {
       static let authenticationMethods: [TypeSafeCredentials.Type] = [MyBasicAuth.self, GoogleTokenProfile.self]
        init(successfulAuth: TypeSafeCredentials) {        
           self.provider = successfulAuth.provider
    router.get("/protected") { (authedUser: AuthedUser, respondWith: (AuthedUser?, RequestError?) -> Void) in
       print("user: \( successfully authenticated using: \(authedUser.provider)")
       respondWith(authedUser, nil)
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    public protocol TypeSafeMultiCredentials: TypeSafeCredentials
  • A TypeSafeMiddleware for authenticating users. This protocol is implemented by plugins that identify the user using information supplied by the RouterRequest. The plugin must implement a static authenticate function which returns an instance of Self on success. This instance defines the name of the authentication provider (e.g. HTTPBasic), and an id that uniquely identifies a user for that provider.

    Usage Example:

    public final class TypeSafeHTTPBasic : TypeSafeCredentials {
        public let id: String
        public let provider: String = "HTTPBasic"
        private static let users = ["John" : "123"]
        public static func authenticate(request: RouterRequest, response: RouterResponse, onSuccess: @escaping (TypeSafeHTTPBasic) -> Void, onFailure: @escaping (HTTPStatusCode?, [String : String]?) -> Void, onSkip: @escaping (HTTPStatusCode?, [String : String]?) -> Void {
            if let user = request.urlURL.user, let password = request.urlURL.password {
                if users[user] == password {
                    return onSuccess(UserHTTPBasic(id: user))
                } else {
                    return onFailure()
            } else {
                return onSkip()
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    public protocol TypeSafeCredentials: TypeSafeMiddleware, Codable
  • A protocol for UserProfile manipulation. The current default implementation only tries to fill in the standard UserProfile fields. In case this default behaviour is insufficient, additional data can be stored in UserProfile.extendedProperties and filled in using this delegate. An implementation should be passed in the options argument with the key userProfileDelegate to the corresponding plugin’s constructor.

    See more



    public protocol UserProfileDelegate